Thursday, February 18, 2010

Working on my second "Fire Prism"

I have started painting the second "prism" for my Exodites, and I'm liking it so far.  I will post a couple of pics of the progress below.  I'm not sure if I want to lighten up the skin, so I'm going to wait until it's finished to see if I'll add a third highlight to the dark green.  The Scales were painted with a base coat of a mix of goblin green and shadow grey (40/60% ratio).  I then added spacewolves grey (SWG) to the mix in varied amounts for the highlights.  After each highlight I added a little more SWG to creat the fade.  There are four highlights in all.  I didn't take pictures of each highlight because I didn't want the mix to dry.

Before base coat

After base coat

After four highlights
I'm starting on the bone next and pictures will be posted as each stage is finished.

I hope you all enjoyed this and thanks for your time,

-The Man Behind the Mask-

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