It has been far too long since my last post! I got a little overwhelmed with life stuff and couldn’t get a post in. I did find the time to finish some Infinity models though. We are starting an Infinity League on March 3rd, so hopefully I can get some Battle Reports done. If you haven’t played Infinity I would highly recommend it, the Game is absolutely awesome. Here is my S.A.S. model:
They are a great infiltrating unit. They start the game camouflaged and can infiltrate up to 24” onto the board. I usually run the Chain Rifle/Auto Pistol option because I find that the most efficient way to run them.
I will try to keep my posts up on a regular basis, and I will get back to my “Music is my Motivator” posts as well.
My Caledonians are coming along nicely. I only have four more to finish to have 200pts. fully painted. I played today and got smoked by my cousin's Pan O Order Knights. It was a really fun game, but I need to get out of the 40K mind set when I play. I ALWAYS forget that I can move and shoot with my Sniper, LOL. I positioned him in a spot where he was rendered useless. He did manage to take out my cousin's sniper, but that was about it. The greatest thing about our battle today was the fact we played it on my lunch break. Missions are a lot more fun, but if you want to just set up and kill each other, the game is quick and brutal.
Here are some pictures of what I have so Far:
Next up are my S.A.S models. I think I will be using dark Grey's and Black on the majority of the models. I might add a bit of urban cammo to the mix too. I will have to see where the models lead me.
On to the Song Of The Week....
Since I am doing all of this Celtic/Scottish themed painting lately I thought only appropriate to include one of my favorite bands this week (No, .. Not The Deftones!! If you know me personally you know how much I love them, it's borderline creepy) ... Mumford and Sons! I was blown away by these guys the first time I heard them. I really like the sound they have achieved. They are modern, but have kept that old school folk sound. I hope you all enjoy ....
Here is one more addition to my Highlanders. This is a Caledonian Volunteer with a Light Grenade Launcher.
Grenade Launchers are pretty awesome in the game. They can use Parabolic Fire to shoot over walls, allowing you to fire at enemies out of line of sight. I pulled this off once and took out my opponents Lieutenant. It was an incredibly lucky shot. I only have a couple more models to finish and I will have 200 points completely painted. Games are suggested played between 200 to 300 points. I haven't played higher than 200 yet, I like the shorter faster games. I will probably paint my S.A.S. models next. They are my favorite models in my group.
Here are some more pictures
I will be posting more models soon. I will probably get some pictures of all of the finished models so far sometime this weekend. Until next time ....
Well I have been trying to get more hobby time in lately, but it is very hard these days. I was going to paint all day Sunday, but I ended up scoring great tickets to the Arizona Cardinals game this weekend! It was AWESOME! We tailgated from 11 am till 1pm, then went into the game. The game was pretty uneventful until the fourth quarter. We tied with a TD pass to Larry Fitzgerald, blocked the Rams attempted game winning field goal, and Patrick Peterson ran back a punt return 99yds in overtime to win the game for us.... watch it below
That was absolutely AMAZING !!!
I immediately came home and did some victory painting ..... Here are some WIP of two Line Troops I started for my Caledonian Highlanders. One is armed with a rifle , and the other is armed with a Grenade Launcher.
I finished a bit more this evening, and I will post some completed pictures Wednesday night. They are coming along great, and I love Infinity more and more with each game.
On to the Song Of The Week ....
I was talking to my friend Joey today about music and he asked if I was familiar with the band Volbeat. I replied with a "hell yeah, those guys are awesome". He then directed me to some songs of theirs I hadn't heard yet, and I immediately fell in love with one of them. It is called "Sad Man's Tongue" and is a cover of the beat of "Folsom Prison Blues" by the one and only Johnny Cash. It is posted below, I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.
You can really tell the singer is a big fan of Johnny Cash, he styled himself to represent the late great music icon.
I will be posting more Hobby Pics on Wednesday of the finished line troops.
Since life has been hectic on my end, I have found that it is easier to post my regular weekly posts on Mondays. For this reason, I think I am going to change my Song Of The Week posts from Fridays to Mondays. I kind of like the way "Monday Music Is My Motivator, Song Of The Week" sounds better anyway. So from here on out I will be posting a Monday Music Is My Motivator post.
This week I posted "Sweet Talk" by Deer and the Headlights. They are a local band here in Arizona. I played in a band locally here in Arizona from 2004 to 2010 and I have watched these guys blossom over the years. They are quite good, and they have been gaining a lot of ground lately. I heard this song on Local Frequency Live on X103.9 FM the other night, I knew I had to share this one with you all this week. I hope you all enjoy it .......
I couldn't leave you all without some hobby related stuff either. Here are some pictures of my latest model for my Infinity army. This is my Highlander Cateran Sniper. I am LOVING this game. I Airbrushed the 180 degree Line Of Fire marks on his base, they are crucial to game play. I highly recommend this game to all of you. It is a blast to play. I will have to post some of the missions I have wrote for our tournaments at the Battle Foam Gaming Saloon. Specific missions make this game 10X more fun.
I really need a new Photobox. All of my pictures have been coming out too grainy lately (I am a perfectionist to the core). All of my models look far better in person, and it bugs me that the pictures look sub-par (in my opinion) when I post them. I hope you all enjoy anyway ......
I didn't get this up last Friday due to my time constraints. I had to run an Infinity tournament this last Saturday at the Battle Foam Gaming Saloon. I am very new to this game so I have spent the last two weeks immersing myself in the rules. This is one of the reasons my posts have been lacking. The most interesting part of this game is the ability to fire on your opponents in both turns of the game. The more I play this game, the more I like it. This has unfortunately caused me to put my wolves on the back burner for a bit. I will be getting back to them soon, but for now I will be trying to knock out a couple models for my Caledonian Highlanders. Here is one of my line troops, a Caledonian Volunteer. I wanted to go with the Highlander "Black Watch" colors for the Tartan. The models are actually the most challenging models I have painted in a while. They are 28mm, but are a bit smaller than GW models. The details are crazy small. I will do a size comparison later this week. If you would like to check out more on infinity check out their website at
I am going to leave you with a Monday edition of Music Is My Motivator since I missed it on Friday. I hope you all enjoy "All I Ever Wanted" by Airborne Toxic Event.
What has two thumbs and apparently doesn't know how to use the other eight fingers, .... THIS GUY!!!! I am sorry I missed last Fridays post, I have been slammed with work and life stuff. I really wish I had about four extra hours in a day. I do have a gaming update though.
I have recently stumbled upon Infinity and I absolutely love it. If you aren't familiar with the game go check it out at Infinity is a 28mm skirmish style game based around Black Ops sabotage missions. It is set 175 years into the future and has an anime feel to the model range. The game system is really interesting, you basically always have a turn. I am running an event this weekend so I will post more about the rules in a later post, my lunch break is running out so I have to go. On to the song of the week!
I wanted to go with a heavy song this week to express my frustration with lack of hobby time, for this we head back to Five Finger Death Punch. I hope you enjoy.
I apologize for the lack of posts this week and for the weeks to come. I am working on a step-by-step Tutorial on the painting of my Wolves, and it is taking a bit longer to finish them than expected. I want the tutorial to show them from start to finish, so I will do my best to get them done quickly. I will try to post some other hobby related things until I am finished. On to my Song Of The Week!
I have been watching Van Wilder the last couple nights and it put me in a Sugarcult mood today. I listened to them all day at work, had to have drove the guys a bit crazy. I am now passing the madness on to you all as well. I hope you all enjoy "Memory" by Sugarcult.
I wanted to go with another older song this week. "All That I've Got" by The Used had come out at a crucial time in my life. I was in the first place that felt like my own home, and I had just reached a new pinnacle in my painting quality. It was the first milestone of my adult life, for that reason this song has had a special place in my heart. I had spent many nights perfecting my painting skills to this album, and I hope you all like the song choice.
The first Pack of my Wolves is officially finished. I am very pleased with the result, and I can't wait to add to the rest of the army. I was going to continue on to my Thunderwolves, but I am going to hold off on that until I get my hands on that new Liquid Green Stuff. I decided instead to work on my Pack of Long Fangs. I will try to do my best at posting tutorial style pics of the progress of this new Pack. I would love fir you all to see the process of my style, and I would also like to pass on my techniques.
Here are some pictures of the finished Pack:
Thank you all for tuning in, and be sure to check in tomorrow afternoon for the new music is my motivator song of the week. Until then, Thank you for tuning in.